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Tongues - Evil or Sweet?

Lesson is designed to help students see the responsibility we have when we speak.

Actitivity I
Leader must purchase a cow’s tongue for this class. Place the raw tongue in something that would be the equivalent of a large shoe or boot box with the lid on it. Make sure the tongue stays hidden. We cut the toe off of an old tube sock. After cutting a hole in the side of the box we glued one end of the tube sock around the hole in the side of the box. This provided a “sleeve” for the students to reach into the side of the box and feel the object without seeing what it was.
Hand the tongue around the room and see how many students can guess what it is.
Give a prize for the one who can guess what it is.

Activity II
Gossip/Denial Skit

This skit does not require a lot of preparation. Going through it one time or just allowing your actors/actresses to read the script is usually all that is required. A large cross and some cue cards are all the props that are needed.
Skit is done in a large room. Audience sits in the middle. (A classroom is fine; just make sure there is enough space between the students in the middle of the classroom and the “actors/actresses” around the perimeter of the room, so that everyone can view the skit just by turning around in their seats. Using the perimeters and corners of the room, each actor/actress is introduced and then frozen. The skit should start at the entry to the room and ends where it began.
This skit requires four student, three witnesses and a loud booming voice.

Student #2 and Witness #1 are waiting in the first corner, Student #3 and Witness #2 are in the second corner, and Student #4 and Witness #3 are in the third corner. As the skit begins the Witnesses and students are all standing in their appropriate corners, frozen and with their faces toward the walls. They only turn around when it becomes their turn to speak. When their part is finished they turn back toward the wall. At the end, they all walk slowly along the perimeter of the room toward the cross.

Student #1: (Walks into the room, goes to the corner and stands beside Student #2.) I just love that outfit! Where did you get it?
Student #2: Thanks. I didn’t know whether I should wear it or not? It’s a little different…but I love the colors. Bright colors always seem to brighten my mood…and I’ve been kind of down since Chad and I broke up.
Student #1: Yeah…I heard about your breakup. Must be kinda tough. The two of you have been going out for a long time. If you need someone to talk to…I’m here for you girl.
Student #2: Thanks! (Gives her a hug) You’re a great friend. What would I do without you?
(Student #2 freezes as Student #1 walks to the next corner. She starts talking to Student #3)
Student #1: Did you hear that Karen and Blake broke up? I heard it was really messy. (Sighs) Word around is that they had a pregnancy scare a few months ago…and that’s what broke them up, I just talked to her and she is seriously depressed.
Student #3: Really! That’s too bad; she’s such a nice girl.
(Student #1 freezes while Student #3 walks to the next corner to talk with Student #4.)
Student #3: Did you hear about Karen? She got so depressed, she tried to commit suicide! I guess her pregnancy and the abortion and everything were just too much for her to handle. I feel so bad for her…it’s just all so sad.
(Student #3 freezes)
Student #4: (Walks across the room back to Student #2) Are you okay? Is there anything I do to help? Why didn’t you tell me about the abortion? And a suicide attempt….wow…I can’t believe you didn’t at least come and talk to me…I thought we were friends.
Student #2: (Gets upset…shakes her head and raises her hands in frustration) WHAT!?
(Loud Booming Voice in the background) Bob: Saint Augustine says…When the tongue says one thing and the heart another; this is deceit, and a lie. If through humility you circulate a lie, if you had not committed a sin of lying before, you become, by lying, what you were not before, a sinner. The sin of lying is not solely committed by word of mouth, but by deeds designedly carried out for the purpose of deceiving. It’s a lie to call yourself a Christian when you do not practice the works of Jesus Christ.
(Both Students freeze)
Peter – (Enters the room and walks over to the first corner where Witness #1 is standing.)
Witness #1 - (Speaking to Peter) Aren’t you Peter, the man whose name used to be Simon? One of those apostles who followed the man they’re planning to crucify?
Peter - (Guiltily) Huh? What are you talking about? I’m just here visiting relatives.
(Witness #1 - freezes and Peter continues to walks to the next corner. He stops and stands beside Witness #2)
Witness #2 - Hey…I know you… you’re the man who followed that Jesus person…aren’t you?
Peter - (Guiltily) Who me? You’ve got to be kidding… (Loudly) I’ve never seen him before in my life. (Witness #2 - freezes. Peter keeps walking around the room and stands beside Witness #3)
Witness #3 -Hey…didn’t you hang around with that Jesus person…the one they’re planning to crucify?
Peter - (Loudly) Leave me alone…you people don’t know what you’re talking about…I never met this Jesus you’re talking about.
(Witness #3 freezes and Peter continues walking his head held down. He shakes his head and realizes what he’s done. He hangs his head and keeps walking. Arriving at the cross…he falls on the floor and beats his chest, sobbing. )
Peter - (Loudly and Mournfully) MY GOD…WHAT HAVE I DONE? PLEASE LORD…FORGIVE ME!
Loud Voice in the background - Bob: Simon Peter, son of John….do you love me?
Peter: Yes Lord, I love you.
Loud Voice: Then feed my sheep
(There is a pause while the people who are frozen come to the cross)
Loud Voice: Do you love me?
All: Yes Lord…we love you!
Loud Voice: Feed my lambs.
(Pause while everyone falls to their knees.)
Loud Voice: Do you love me?
All: Yes Lord…we love you.
Loud Voice: Then follow me and serve me.

Teaching I & Scriptures
Read the following scripture to the class. Copy the following scriptures and have the students take turn reading them like they would with a responsorial psalm.

James 1: 26 Anyone who says he is a Christian but can’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much.

Psalm 57:4 I am in the midst of lions; I lie among ravenous beasts— men whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords.
Anyone who says he is a Christian but can’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much.

Psalm 64:3 They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their words like deadly arrows.
Anyone who says he is a Christian but can’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much.

Psalm 64:8 He will turn their own tongues against them and bring them to ruin; all who see them will shake their heads in scorn.
Anyone who says he is a Christian but can’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much.

Psalm 73:9 Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth.
Anyone who says he is a Christian but can’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much.

Psalm 78:36 But then they would flatter him with their mouths, lying to him with their tongues.
Anyone who says he is a Christian but can’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much.

Psalm 141: 3 Lord, to keep my mouth shut and my lips sealed. Take away my lust for evil things; don’t let me want to be with sinners, doing what they do.
Anyone who says he is a Christian but can’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much.

James 1: 26 Anyone who says he is a Christian but can’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much.
Anyone who says he is a Christian but can’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much.

Teaching II & Catechism
Talk about Facebook, Myspace and Zanga. Help the students see that presenting themselves in a false manner on these websites or blogging someone else is just a modern day version of gossip.
CCC # 2483 Lying is the most direct offense against the truth. To lie is to speak or act against the truth in order to lead someone into error.

CCC # 2485 By its very nature, lying is to be condemned. It is a profanation of speech, whereas the purpose of speech is to communicate known truth to others.


“Nothing At All” by Third Day

“Give Me Words to Speak” by Aaron Shust

“Voice of Truth” by Casting Crowns