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The Fisherman


(A fisherman is lying on the floor with a pole in his hand. He’s stretched out…relaxed, chewing on a piece of straw. His legs are crossed and his thoroughly enjoying himself.

(The business man, with his brief case and hat, walks by and stops to look at the fisherman. He gets a look of irritation on his face…he checks his watch…acts like he’s in a hurry)

Business Man: Just what is it you think you’re doing?

Fisherman: I’m enjoying God’s creation. Relaxing…fishing….it’s a beautiful day!

Business Man: You’re not going to catch any fish that way…You should be working, rather than lying on the grass wasting the day.

Fisherman: I beg your pardon sir….I’m not wasting my time; in fact…I’ve been meditating….praying you know. Enjoying the beauty God created for us.

Business Man: You should be working. You’re just wasting your time.

Fisherman: What would my reward be if I spent my time like you, hustling around…in a hurry all the time. Never taking time to pray, or meditate or enjoy the beauty of nature.

Business Man: Well, if you worked hard enough, you could make a lot of money and buy a boat…catch bigger fish…maybe even purchase a fleet of boats and sail out to sea, where the big fish are.

Fisherman: And then…..If I made a lot of money what would I do.

Business Man: Well, you could retire, never have to work again. You could spend all the rest of your days relaxing, looking at the sunset. You wouldn’t have a care in the world.

Fisherman: (smiling) Isn’t that what I’m doing right now?